Leslie Leyland Fields

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How to Say Goodbye

I stood on the beach watching life jackets cinched around waists. Boots pulled up to knees. Suitcases swung into skiffs. I could not speak.

I had used up all my words that week——teaching, reading, laughing, sharing wine and stories with 24 new friends at the Harvester Island Writers’ Workshop.

I’m not very good at endings. How do we part after a week of open hearts, songs and unending word feasts? (As well as fish feasts . ..)

Thank God somebody knew. As the skiffs pulled away, here’s what happened:

Maybe there’s something here for all of us. Because it feels like a lot of goodbye’s are happening this time of year.

Goodbye to Summer. (Somehow it missed us on Kodiak Island, but I do have a few shining moments to remember . . . )

Goodbye to another commercial salmon fishing season . . .

Goodbye to my favorite summer activities . . .

BUT——-I am NOT saying goodbye to YOU, dear friends. I did not intend to be silent here these last 4 months. Since my heart procedure in May, life swept us along, through a death, a family reunion, moving to Harvester Island, 3 writing workshops, books, fish, grandkids, fishing season, cooking for an overflowing table . … every moment full. Yes, every moment holy. And every ending opening to another beginning.

That’s what this post is. Another beginning because I have missed you all! I hope we can continue to pilgrim together along this path. I cannot keep the Beauty and the Holy to myself.

Look, today off the tip of Harvester Island . . .

Look out your own window. Do you see? Shall we sing together?

Would you share one magical divine moment from your summer? (Thank you!)