10 Holiday Salmon Giveaways (and other gifts)

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Dear Friends, I watched the news online tonight. You know the news. You know the numbers. You’ve heard of the sick, the dying, the hunger. Meanwhile Christmas carols play on the radio. I feel helpless and I want to help. What do I have to give?

I DO have something to give. I want to send treasures from my island in Alaska —- food I gathered, picked, caught and smoked, canned and jellied for just such a time as this: to bless 10 people who desperately need a box of love this Christmas, from my island to theirs.

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Canned smoked wild Alaska sockeye salmon.

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Wild Nootka rose jams and honey.

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Russianberry Marmelade.


Would you help me, then? I want to send out 10 beautiful boxes to 10 people who need them. Who otherwise would receive nothing, or little. Who need to know they are seen and heard and prayed for. Can we do it like this? If you know someone who needs a Harvester Island box this Christmas, would you email me with their name, mailing address and their situation? (So sorry—but can only mail to U.S. addresses. Thank you for being my partner in holiday crime!)

And—-I’m giving away one more thing. In January, I’m offering a Free 4 week class, “Make Your Story Matter.”


I have just ended teaching my third 9 week class and I am astounded, again, at all that has happened. Would you join us from all around the world in this next adventure?

   “We have been generously and lavishly graced with this class - with your time, your heart and your vision! We've been given ready tools to continue our work. Our hearts and minds have been richly nourished! How can we thank you enough?” ——-Susan G.

“It's a great book, and the online course that just started is really interesting, fun, informative and INSPIRATIONAL! I like the sense of community formed by being able to chat on the right side of the screen. This is obviously a labor of love by Leslie.” ——-Russ K.

“This class is the highlight of my week. I feel like Leslie is right in the room with me, talking to me. She is genuine. Humble. No pretense. And she is passionate about writing and teaching.”

  ———Marilyn H.

“This class helped to keep my spirit awake and alive in the midst of hard times. I wish it didn’t have to end. (I may sign up for the next one!) Thank you Leslie for shepherding our hearts and stories so kindly and so well. I cannot tell you how much richer my life has become.”   -----Jackie H.

“In addition to the wealth of writing principles you have taught us, You have shown me how to be my real self, how to love or at least understand those who oppose me and how to be a small light in this ever darkening world. Thank you, for all your efforts to love us all thru Zoom ( no small feat!) and for your pushing & prodding us to take time to WRITE! I pray God will bless your life in many surprising ways.” ——-Renee P.


What do you need to join? Just a book. All I need is your name and email (to send the zoom link). That’s it. I want to bless you—-especially during our covid isolation, during the darkest month of the year. (And this is my selfish motive—-teaching YOU opens my little island window onto the world and brings ME joy!!)

I have one more thing to share with you. I want to remind you of the heighth and depth of the ocean of God’s love for you. Look at these creatures on this Alaska island! If he feeds and cares for all these, invisible, tiny, watery, airborne, furred and feathered, dim and bright, will he not care for you, o best beloved? (Yes.)

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“Aren’t two sparrows sold for a penny?

Not one of them will fall to the ground without your Father’s permission.

Every hair on your head has been counted.

Don’t be afraid!

You are worth more than many sparrows.”

——Jesus Christ

with much love and hope, Always,
